Business owners are busy serving their customers, keeping employees happy, and investing in improvements for their companies. There is little time at the end of the day for activities not directly related to customers, employees or improvements. Yet over 100 businesses every year jump at the opportunity to “Adopt-A-Cop” when the Gresham Area Chamber launches its annual program
Officially starting Jan. 9th, which is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, businesses and community members post signs in their windows announcing the name of the officer they have adopted. Registration to adopt a cop is quick and easy. All businesses, whether a chamber member or not, are welcome to participate. Once registered, the chamber provides the predetermined window sign that says “Thank you.” The bright, colored window signs display the first name of the local officer. A packet of materials suggesting activities to help celebrate the officer is included with the registration. Keep in mind, that due to state law, there are specific boundaries surrounding donations to a police officer that are not allowed. That information is also included in the packet. However, there are also many ways to appreciate the officer that you “adopt.”
Started in dark days of 2020
The Adopt-A-Cop program started four years ago, in 2020. At that time, morale in police forces across the country was at a low point. Officers were facing public sentiments that brought morale to an all-time low. Gresham police officers were not shielded from what was happening in their profession. That is when the Gresham Area Chamber stepped in. Businesses appreciate how difficult it is to maintain public safety and how necessary public safety is to employees and customers. Showing appreciation to the local police force was important. The Chamber took solid steps to lift up morale and support safety any way possible. Over one hundred businesses and community members adopted all of the Gresham police officers in the first year, with dozens being adopted more than once. The response was overwhelming. The officers were overwhelmed as well, when they would drive by and see their name or a fellow officer name and the words “Thank you” in a business window.
More success
The second year of Adopt-A-Cop was even more successful. More businesses participated and the police were so grateful, they organized a parade to thank the participants. Winding through Gresham, lights and sirens blaring, a parade of police officer vehicles including the SWAT truck, drove by as many participating businesses as possible. The parade started at Main City Park with Police Chief Travis Gullberg thanking the crowd that gathered at the parade starting point.
Year two also came with a wellness goal. Based on research, Chief Gullberg wanted his officers to have a massage chair. The chamber took on the challenge to raise the funds to buy one massage chair. The plan was to raise enough money in four months to purchase one chair. Once again the community exceeded expectations. Instead of one chair in four months, through the generosity of the business community and citizens, the chamber purchased two chairs in seven days. Again, there was solid support for the local police force.
ìTough jobî
Business owner Dan Anderson, Anderson Martial Arts, when asked about the Adopt-A-Cop program, said “Police have a tough job. We appreciate what our brothers and sisters in blue do to keep our community safe. I’d adopt all of the cops if the Chamber would let me.”
The Gresham community will once again have the opportunity to celebrate and appreciate Gresham police force. The Adopt-A-Cop program registration is underway. Whether chamber member or not, all businesses are welcome to sign up for the program. The program lasts for 2 months and in the past the finale being a parade. This year there is a special event being planned. The unveiling of the event will occur in late January.
Positive activity
Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce, CEO, Lynn Snodgrass proudly said. “The chamber advocates, educates, and collaborates in all that we do. Those actions bring tremendous value to our members and to the community. The Adopt-A-Cop program is a positive activity every business can invest the time to do. It makes a difference. It also brings the sense of joy as we share in mutual appreciation.” HVN
Lynn Snodgrass is the CEO of the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. She is the former Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives, the first woman to serve in that position. She was also an elected North Clackamas School Board member and 4-time Oregon State Representative.